Newlyannounced regulations may squeeze
recovered paper flows to Turkey.
Turkey’s recycling industry will need to source at least half of the rawmaterials it requires from the Turkish domestic market. The country’s environment minister Murat Kurum announced new rules mandating theuse of Turkish recyclate in early September. The Ministry hopes that the newrequirement will reduce environmental pollution and promote the separatecollection of waste and its use as a resource in Turkey. 土耳其环境部长穆拉特-库鲁姆(Murat Kurum)于9月初宣布新规,要求该国回收行业要从土耳其国内市场采购至少半数的再生原料。这位部长希望新规可以减少土耳其国内的环境污染,促进废弃物分类收集并得以再利用。The announcement did not come as a completesurprise to the recycling industry, Ercan Yürekli,the vice-president of the recycling industry federation Tüdam, told EUWID. Government representatives had spoken of a 20 percent domestic material requirement at a workshop last year. Mr Yürekli stated that so far the government’splans only related to plastic waste and recovered paper.土耳其回收行业联盟(Tüdam)副主席艾尔参-玉来克里(ErcanYürekli)称,土耳其回收行业对新规的出台并不感到意外。去年,政府方面的代表就已经谈到要求土耳其国内资源利用率要达到20%。艾尔参先生强调到目前为止,政府的计划仅涉及废塑料和废纸。Mr Yüreklipointed out that Turkey was a net importer of recovered paper and wasteplastics. He noted that the country is expected to import 1.5 million t ofrecovered paper and 1 million tonnes of plastic waste this year. These figureswould almost double by 2024.艾尔参先生指出,土耳其是废塑料和废纸的净进口国。今年,土耳其将进口150万吨废纸和100万吨废塑料。到2024年,这一数字还将翻倍。